Baile Plus is celebrating its one year anniversary! Launched in 2020 on 23rd June (my mum’s birthday) and the first post published on 28th June, I’ve managed to gather words every Sunday until now, so far. Thank you so much for your support.
During the series of lockdowns, writing down some thoughts have tremendously helped me to maintain my sanity, although I must admit that I was about to fall into a dark pitch of near-depression at some times, especially at the latest phase of lockdown.
Today, when this post is published, I’m going back to the dance studio for the first time since January. Honestly, nearly losing enthusiasm in life during the latest lockdown, I haven’t done much physical exercise since then… If my legs survive to walk home after the session, I’d celebrate my renewed dancing life with a glass of Spanish summer drink - like these ones.
Many people would associate Spain with sangría. This famous summer cocktail of red wine, chopped fruits and some spirits is actually allowed its labelling only in Spain and Portugal. Wherever you are, having a glass of sangría instantly gives you a feel of Iberian summer.
There are numerous recipes, this is just one example:
Cómo preparar sangría
Tinto de Verano
If you’re familiar with British pub culture, you must have come across shandy, a mix of beer and lemonade. This is a similar idea, but red wine instead of beer. Basically, it’s a ‘quick’ version of sangría - you don’t need to cut fresh fruits or search for a special recipe, just pour some lemonade in red wine, simple. Adding ice cubes and a slice of lime would give it a perfect look.
As you don’t need a recipe for it, I’ll share this Rumba tribute to the drink instead:
Tinto de Verano - Los Chunguitos
Calimocho (Kalimotxo)
Calimocho is another ‘quick’ red wine cocktail. Instead of lemonade, you mix it with coke, especially coca cola. Not only in Spain, it’s also popular in other countries where people call it by different names: jote in Chile, katemba in South Africa, etc. Even so, this drink is believed to have originated in Spain.
My husband, who lived in Spain and Cuba respectively, calls it ‘Tinto de La Noche’ (red wine of the night)’, but I couldn’t find a source for such a name. If any of you can find a proof, please let us know. ‘Tinto de La Noche’ actually sounds much nicer!
El verdadero origen del kalimotxo
Pick your drink, raise a glass, and let’s celebrate our new chapter in artistic life.